Oct 25, 2009

Memorable thing she did today!

While the whole family was watching the Taiwanese drama "爱" on Channel 8 today, lilVal was playing... walking around and sometimes "riding" on mummy or daddy or 爷爷. All of a sudden, she went behind mummy and daddy, pulled very hard at their sleeves and made a kissing gesture with her little lips. She wants daddy and mummy to kiss and also kiss her! Everyone in the family was so stunned!

Mummy really couldn't reach the camera or too stunned to capture the whole thing down on camera. She can only pen this down in here for remembrance.

What a sweet little mischievious one.
Today she managed to play the Pioneer Home Theatre player at home! We were so shocked when we heard the music play... while she was so happy that she danced around.

Oct 19, 2009

Princess Dances

Cinderella practising her dance move before meeting the prince.

Oct 15, 2009

lilVal is 82cm! Another 8cm, got to pay bus fare!!